Such cute cousins! I'm pretty sure this is Noah's very first picture with Uncle Ray, crazy!
Noah borrowed Jenna's glasses until Uncle put up a big umbrella for the kiddos.
Amber swinging and finding hidden eggs.
Noah had spit up on his clothes, and Jenna had taken a nap in her diaper, they looked so cute, in their diapers sitting next to each other. Noah was trying to grab her arm and Jenna said "baby, no!" it was so cute.
I think this is the first event that I actually have a picture with Noah that I failed to take a picture of Noah and Daddy, oops! I also failed to take a picture of Noah with his Easter basket, the Easter Bunny left some great stuff for him; new spoons, bubbles, a Giants book, and there were Hot Wheels cars and banana puffs inside his eggs!
I took a pretty cute picture of James with Noah on Easter that I can Email you since you said that you didn't get one. It's no cannon professional quality, but it can do in a pinch. I'll try doing that in the morning.